
Showing posts from June, 2024


What'dya call these things again?” “Rissoles. Everybody cooks rissoles darl”  “Yeah but it's what you do with them!” 1/2 cup TVP 1/2 CUP BOILING WATER 1 TSP VEGE STOCK 1 TSP MISO PAPRIKA OREGANO SUMAC Chili flakes HALF AN ONION CHOPPED FINE 1 TSP EGG REPLACER IN 1/4 CUP WATER BEATEN BIT OF FLOUR All mixed up Make meatball sized rissoles with your hands or a spoon. Ok they're actually TVP meatballs FRY Eat, as I have done, with steamed veg and white sauce and a couple Tom tomatoes Tastier than it looks.