Pumpkin Chilli

 Chit chat: I might have used another recipe on the internet for inspiration but not enough to actually look it up whilst making this food.

It is a hot day, but not so hot that I can’t have three pots on the new-to-me stove at a time. First meal in my new digs. How do people cook in this place? Sheesh.

Materials and methods

Half a small butternut pumpkin, chopped into small chunks and boiled until soft, then drained

Vege oil in cast iron pot on medium heat

A medium onion, cut small and fried

Some cummin seeds, say a teaspoon, added to the frying onion

A teaspoon of chilli flakes, add it to the frying mixture

A few small carrots, chopped small (they were wilting in the fridge), fry them up

A large teaspoon of vege stock

A cob of corn, cut off the corn and fry it up

Beans from a can, rinsed drained, fry em up

A can of tomatoes

Some grated nutmeg

Some cinnamon

Get all that boiling up and then add the pumpkin close to the end

Serve with avocado, rice, lemon, nigella seeds, yogurt, extra sriracha, 

whatever ethnicities I have confused by the condiments, I apologise.


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