

What'dya call these things again?” “Rissoles. Everybody cooks rissoles darl”  “Yeah but it's what you do with them!” 1/2 cup TVP 1/2 CUP BOILING WATER 1 TSP VEGE STOCK 1 TSP MISO PAPRIKA OREGANO SUMAC Chili flakes HALF AN ONION CHOPPED FINE 1 TSP EGG REPLACER IN 1/4 CUP WATER BEATEN BIT OF FLOUR All mixed up Make meatball sized rissoles with your hands or a spoon. Ok they're actually TVP meatballs FRY Eat, as I have done, with steamed veg and white sauce and a couple Tom tomatoes Tastier than it looks.

sesame soba ramen?

Boil: Miso, tamari, vinegar, water obviously, chilli, tahini Lightly defrost veges in steamer Cook drain and cool soba noodles Mix all but noodles together Add fried up sesame seeds, sesame oil and S&B nanami togarashi powder Turn floor fan on very cool and point at diner Eat by dipping noodles in.


This recipe but with pesto tomato sauce

dumpling soup

I used the dumplings from this recipe And made a soup out of 2onions 2 cloves garlic  All the celery leaves Some celery Barley Water Fish sauce  Stock powder Let's see how it turns out!


Half a lemon 4 dessert spoons stirred tahini, mix together 1 spring onion 1 tin chickpeas 1 tsp Mexican seasoning 4 dessert spoons olive oil (as much oil as lemon and as much lemon as tahini) Pinch salt

drizzle cake

Image But with walnuts.

scones 2

Makes 6 small scones 1 cup plain flour sifted 1 tbsp sugar 1 tbsp milk powder 1 tsp baking powder  Pinch salt Mix 1 tbsp butter, rubbed into the above 1/4 cup sultanas Water to desired consistency